Friends of the Somme - Mid Ulster Branch  
Anniv Died Name Cause No
1 October 01/10/1917 Pte. Arthur Cassidy Killed in Action 1
3 October 03/10/1918 Pte. Samuel McMullan Killed in Action 2
3 October 03/10/1917 Pte. Leslie Ellis Mann Killed in Action 3
3 October 03/10/1943 Sgt. Alan John Tait Died by accident 4
4 October 04/10/1917 Pte. John Caldwell Died of Wounds 5
4 October 04/10/1917 Pte. William Given Killed in Action 6
7 October 07/10/1945 Aircraftman Joseph McWilliams Died by accident 7
9 October 09/10/1917 Pte. Patrick Henry Killed in Action 8
9 October 09/10/1917 Pte. Hugh Costello Killed in Action 9
9 October 09/10/1916 L/Corp Hugh Lennox Died of Wounds 10
12 October 12/10/1917 R/man Archibald Patton Killed in Action 11
12 October 12/10/1916 Pte. Luke O'Neill Killed in Action 12
13 October 13/10/1917 Pte. Alexander Michael Killed in Action 13
14 October 14/10/1918 Pte. Arthur Henry Killed in Action 14
14 October 14/10/1918 L/Corp Robert Moran Killed in Action 15
14 October 14/10/1918 Sgt. Edward Alexander Weir Died of Wounds 16
14 October 14/10/1940 Sgt. Richard Elleker Garstin Killed in Action 17
15 October 15/10/1917 Pte. John Alexander McNiece Died of Wounds 18
15 October 15/10/1918 Pte. William Patton Killed in Action 19
15 October 15/10/1918 Pte. James Campbell Prisoner of War 20
16 October 16/10/1943 Pte. Francis Harbison Killed in Action 21
17 October 17/10/1915 Pte. Hugh Hagan Died 22
17 October 17/10/1918 Pte. William Law Killed in Action 23
19 October 19/10/1917 Pte. John O'Kane Died of Wounds 24
19 October 19/10/1944 Pte. Andrew Cotton Killed in Action 25
20 October 20/10/1918 Pte. Thomas Guess Died of Illness 26
21 October 21/10/1918 Pte. William Richmond Killed in Action 27
22 October 22/10/1917 Pte. John Hunter Killed in Action 28
22 October 22/10/1918 Corp Samuel J Dawson Killed in Action 29
23 October 23/10/1916 L/Corp Patrick Conway Killed in Action 30
24 October 24/10/1918 Able Seaman Thomas Kidd Died of Illness 31
24 October 24/10/1917 R/man William Hunter Killed in Action 32
26 October 26/10/1914 Pte. Arthur Donnelly Killed in Action 33
26 October 26/10/1914 Pte. Terrance Hannaway Killed in Action 34
26 October 26/10/1914 Pte. George Brown Died of Wounds 35
26 October 26/10/1917 Pte. William John Park Killed in Action 36
27 October 27/10/1944 Fusilier Robert McLean Killed in Action 37
28 October 28/10/1918 Fireman William Semple Died of Illness 38
31 October 31/10/1918 Mr Robert Alexander Died of Illness 39
Magherafelt District's War Dead 2014 - 2018